A licensed insurance broker can be one of your key advisers. Insurance brokers are required to be licensed and to take classes to keep their licenses. Insurance brokers are experts in the field of providing insurance. Kovered provides unbiased advice based on your needs and protects your best interests, whether we are finding you a competitive price or starting a new policy for you.

  1. Time. With so many insurance carriers to choose from it can take a lengthy amount of time to shop your insurance quote for all of them. Insurance brokers have access to multiple insurance carriers and can quote you for all of them in a short amount of time. That’s more time you can keep to yourself.
  2. Money. Not only do insurance brokers find you the right insurance, but they also make can make sure you are not overpaying for that coverage.
  3. Peace of mind. Insurance brokers are uniquely equipped on educating you on how much coverage is too much, and how little is too little. It is our job to make sure you have the right amount of coverage for your needs. We stay educated on the latest trends and changes in the local market to be able to educate on what the right coverage looks like.
  4. Understanding their Policy. Insurance can be very complicated. Any declarations page is filled to the brim with jargon and acronyms to make understanding it a challenge. As an insurance broker, we walk our customers through their policies and answer any questions you may have to help bring light to any confusing insurance jargon and verbiage. Part of our job is to ensure that our client has a clear understanding of the coverage they’re being offered.
  5. Convenience. As insurance brokers, we are your insurance concierge and liaison to the insurance carriers. If you don’t feel like being on hold with your insurance carrier for an hour you can trust that Kovered will be able to help you with your needs.
  6. Help with claims. In the unfortunate event that a client needs to file an insurance claim, we can assist with the entire process from beginning to end.
  7. Privacy. The vast majority of online “insurance brokers” are in actuality just lead generation companies. This means they don’t actually provide insurance and instead sell your information to dozens of other insurance agencies. This will mean dozens if not hundreds of calls and emails for weeks! Kovered is an actual licensed insurance agency that binds your policy and does not sell your data. Avoid the spam!

Kovered can be a valuable asset to you as an insurance broker. Let Kovered be your go-to resource when it comes to saving money on your insurance policies.